Apartemen Foresque Residence @ TB Simatupang

Permintaan apartemen di kawasan TB Simatupang, Jakarta, terus mengalami peningkatan seiring terbangunnya gedung perkantoran, sekolah, pusat perbelanjaan dan lain-lainnya.

Misalnya, Apartemen Foresque Residence‎ ‎dari pengembang PT Griya Karunia Sejahtera yang tergabung dalam Binakarya Group, hingga saat ini telah mampu menjual lebih dari separuh unit yang ditawarkan.

“Dari 617 unit yang dipasarkan sudah terjual 60 persen, bahkan tipe unit 1 BR sudah habis terjual,” Jakarta, Senin (3/10/2016).

Foreque Residence menawarkan konsep resor dengan view pemandangan hijau 140 hektare satu-satunya di Jakarta Selatan.

Apartemen ini dibangun di atas lahan seluas 1,2 hektare dengan rincian 80 persen untuk area hijau dan 20 persen diperuntukan sebagai bangunan.

“Antusias masyarakat cukup tinggi karena harga yang kami tawarkan cukup rendah, yaitu hanya Rp 20 jutaaan per meter persegi (m2), disaat harga apartemen di sekitar kami sudah mencapai Rp 40 sampai Rp 45 jutaan per meter persegi,” paparnya.

Adapun fasilitas penunjang yang disediakan di antaranya dua kolam renang, sarana olahraga seperti lapangan tenis, jogging track, dan fitness center, children playground serta Family BBQ deck dan picnic area yang dapat dinikmati oleh penghuni Foresque Residence.

Sumber: Tribunnews, Properti Bisnis

Open House Foresque Residence 11 Juni 2017

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Lomba Mewarnai Ramadhan yang diadakan di marketting gallery Foresque Residence. Dihadiri oleh para adik-adik kita dari sekolah Yasporbi. Terlihat kesenangan dan keceriaan mereka saat mengikuti lomba mewarnai Foresque Residence.


OPEN HOUSE Foresque Residences, 29-30 April 2017 – Durian Party

WhatsApp Image 2017-04-28 at 10.54.28 AM

Hadiri OPEN HOUSE Foresque Residences, hari Sabtu – Minggu tanggal 29-30 April 2017 di Marketing Gallery kami di Jl. Saco 18 HC, Ragunan Jakarta Selatan. Nikmati pula sajian Durian selama acara berlangsung dan Promo Kartini harga Cash diangsur 18x.

Segera hubungi 021- 7883 5222 / 0812 9879 5222.

Syarat & Ketentuan Berlaku*.
Foresque Residence – Your Perfect Haven In South Jakarta


Luxury & Exclusive apartment in South Jakarta

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Binakarya Group launched new projects View of green shades apartment

in South Jakarta, precisely located in the area Ragunan.

Foresque Residence is built on an area of ​​1.2 hectares with a building

area of ​​only 20 percent, or 2,400 square meters.

So these apartments provide plenty of green open spaces.


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Foresque Residence overlooks an area of ​​140 ha of shady trees

is one of the five star apartment which is very different

from similar projects in South Jakarta.

Equipped with modern facilities two pools (lap pool and a circular pool),

children playground, jogging / cycling track,

and fitness center, multifunction court, and other supporting facilities.



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Foresque Residence designed by 5G Studios of Dallas, Texas, United States.

International architectural fusion of American and Indonesian

natural shades, providing a balance of residential and nature “Balance In Life”.

Foresque Residence construction process has been running since August 2015

Luxury apartments at attractive prices fit for residence or investment.


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Its strategic location can be reached from Jalan TB Simatupang,

just five minutes away from Cilandak Town Square (Citos) and Kemang,

as well as 10 minutes to Pondok Indah.

The apartment is also close to health facilities Fatmawati Hospital,

Siloam Hospital and RS Pondok Indah,

as well as educational centers High Scope and Jakarta International School (JIS).

